Polaroid love…

This week I am sharing another PMQG Charity quilt…

finished polaroid quilt

This is definitely one of my favorite quilts we have made at the Charity Sew Days EVER!  I may be slightly biased by my love of Polaroid photos.  I became obsessed with Polaroids during my days in the film industry… I have hundreds and hundreds of them still.

polaroid detail 4

This quilt started as a pile of fussy cut squares and yards of navy and white solids.  The end result is so much fun..

polaroid detail 5

This quilt was quilted on a domestic machine by one of our guild members Chelsea.  She did an amazing job and I love how the swirls work with the Polaroid.

polaroid detail 3

The other thing I love is the navy binding… I have never done a quilt where the binding is the same colour as the quilt background.  It is so effective in making the blocks pop off the quilt.  I can tell I will be using matching binding on one of my quilts in the future.

quilt back

The back of the quilt shows off the wonderful quilting Chelsea did… and highlights the fun piece of turtle fabric I found in my stash that just had to go on the back.


15 thoughts on “Polaroid love…

  1. How lovely to see a modern quilt with a navy background! So often they’re white or grey. The polaroid squares are a vivid contrast, and I can quite see why you love them so much.

  2. Inspired by your quilt! I love this Cath. I hope to participate in a future one for Charity Sew Day(s) I am a new 2023 PMQG member so trying to figure everything out.

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