The fabulous Penny Lane – Paper Piecing Monday

When I saw the name of today’s block I could not help but smile.  I know the block is named after the Beatles song, but Penny Lane reminds me so much of Kate Hudson’s character in “Almost Famous”, one of my favorite films.  I think it is a fitting block for both the song and the character…

modern scrap paper pieced star

This 72 piece beauty is another fabulous block for the amazing Julie at 627handworks. You can find the free paper piecing pattern here.  Her version of this pattern is darling and very different from mine.

Penny lane block segments

This block was not without a hiccup or two.  First there was the “not concentrating on what I am doing mistake” which resulted in this misformed section and lots of unpicking.


Then I managed to break a needle trying to go through the center bulk.  I had forgotten to remove the paper bits from the middle section to make it easier to sew through.  Whoops.

Despite all this I love how this block came out. It is going to fit beautifully with the other blocks.  I may end up replacing my last green block which is also scrappy but which is too messy for me… if you are curious you can find it here.

34 thoughts on “The fabulous Penny Lane – Paper Piecing Monday

  1. Hello Wombat,

    Wonderful piecing. It was worth breaking a needle for the end result.

    I used to live round the corner from Penny Lane. It was The Street With No Name. The council had given up replacing the street signs because they kept getting nicked.

    Love from England,

    • Thanks Marie. I do love to p,ay with colour. It is for me the most funest part of the process. I would like some quilting elves to do the basting and quilting for me and I would be supremely happy.

  2. So I’ve been on a bit if a self imposed Internet ban till the bar is over with but I caught a glimpse of this and couldn’t NOT say something. Love.

  3. Ahhhhhh!!! I didn’t know to take out the paper in the center- so helpful. Great job as always on this block. Looks like a jewel and I love the dark frame!!!

  4. Love it!! The greens are just perfect in all their scrappy glory!
    And i love how you alternated the shades with each ring out, looks awesome!

  5. Love Love Love it! Paper-piecing is my favorite method so I will be back every Monday! I love how the bright and grey blocks are coming together.

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