Paper Piecing Monday

Welcome to this weeks installment of Paper Piecing Monday.  This week I add another block to my grey/bright sampler quilt from Julie at 627handworks.   May I present my version of Marley…

modern scrap paper pieced block

Now I am not sure that the scrappy approach worked with this pattern.  I think if I was to do it again I would go with a single fabric for the back ground – just so the colour popped more.

block pieces

I do love this block.  It is different from my usual stars and I think that this take on flying geese is really quit fun.  You can find the free Marley paper piecing pattern here.  I am really loving Julie’s patterns and so excited to try Garfunkel.

Just for fun I am linking up with “Let’s get Acquainted” which is being hosted this week at Heart of Charnwood.


22 thoughts on “Paper Piecing Monday

  1. What a fun block! I have been slowly collecting/hoarding various greys for a grey quilt. Someday I’ll get to it! You have some very nice greys in your stash.

    • I was going to make another one immediately then Julie released another block pattern. I am now itching to make it, so the re-make is on the back burner, for now. Ashley, you could always give it a try!

  2. hmmmm. I think my comment was lost – or they are moderated? Now if I can only remember what the heck I was saying! I’m sure it goes something like this – ACK! SUCH SMALL PIECES. Beautiful! 🙂

  3. I think the mixed greys in the background make the greens look really lush, like rainforest-y. Your photo actually struck me as I was scrolling through my feed earlier today, and I remembered to come back! They might pop more on a single background, but…why? when you could go scrappy?

    • I do love me some scrappy. I struggled with the same contrast issue with my green and grey quilt that I made earlier this year. I think my preference is for really strong contrast.

  4. It is a great block! I actually like the scapiness. It might show the design more with two fabrics as you said, but I really like this version. Really lovely.

  5. Pingback: The fabulous Penny Lane – Paper Piecing Monday | Wombat Quilts

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