Yep more Starry Nights

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I had struggled to find some smaller blocks for my Starry Night quilt, so I have been working on designing some smaller blocks for my quilt.  This week’s block is a simple 8 inch block…

paper pieced star block

You can find the pattern I made here…WQ Starry Night Block 1.  It is a simple 40 piece block with no really small pieces (which is the problem I found with shrinking a lot of the more complex patterns).

Block pieces

As a side…when I ran my test block I did not number the pattern, but I promise the attached pattern sheet has numbered pieces…promise.

14 thoughts on “Yep more Starry Nights

  1. How many more do you need before it starts to come together? Very pretty small simple star, by the way. I have new respect for what you’re doing since my single foray into paper piecing….

    • Kate it does get easier the more paper piecing you do…so I look forward to seeing more of your paper piecing… I must admit that your traditional pieced work is so much more precise and accurate than mine.

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