Paper Piecing Monday is back on schedule

This week I ventured deep into the world wide web  searching for a star pattern to make for this week’s Paper Piecing Monday… and ended up with this little ditty.

opgivewarmth may block 3The block is called ET Phone Home by Lilly’s Quilts and you can find the free paper piecing pattern here.  Note the pattern is 12 inches for a 11 1/2 inch finished block not a 12 inch finish.

opgivewarmth block piecesTo get the pieces to align was a bit of a challenge for me.  I am use to patterns being designed so that you can easily match points so that things align perfectly.  With this pattern there was lots of using pins to make things work (and for me lots and lots and lots of unpicking).

piecing togetherSo do not look to closely as the points are not all exactly, perfectly match up… but it is pretty close!



27 thoughts on “Paper Piecing Monday is back on schedule

  1. It’s very heartening to know that even the experts have difficulty sometimes. 😀 Thank you for finding this block in the depths of the internet – It’s going to be perfect for a project I have in mind with lots of paper pieced stars.

    • In all my paper piecing experience I have never had to use a pin to align points. I definitely need more practice with that technique. I learnt this week the value of a well designed pattern. Good luck with the pattern. I would love to here your thoughts once you have made this block.

  2. I printed this pattern out for myself quite a while back but never actually tried it yet. Yours looks wonderful! I was thinking I would like to enlarge it on the copier for a bigger version.

  3. It’s great you stepped out of your comfort zone a bit. I think the block turned out great! What are your plans for it? Since it finishes to 12″, will you add a border to it?

    • I am thinking of sending it as is to Sarah for the charity quilt. I trust she will find someway to use it…but I will be double checking my measurements next week!!!!

  4. I LOVE this pattern and I had no problem downloading it here in the US (Vermont). One thing I learned from another Paper Piecing great is to pin at those matching points and stitch with a BASTING stitch. Check to see if they line up. If you need to take the stitches out, it’s a whole lot easier to remove basting stitches. Ask me, I know from experience! Hope this helps. Thanks for finding this beauty!Marsha

  5. I often find aligning parts of foundation paper pieces trickier than ‘normal’ blocks. The paper adds extra bulk to the seams and joins, and the way they are made limits which way you can press seams to keep them out of the way. This one looks really tricky, so well done!

    • The paper does add an extra tricky element and on several occasions my machine has decided that the bulk is to much and the needle has headed off in a completely different direction. Ah the joy of unpicking.

  6. oh Cath that is a beautiful star…. and not a star in the “old-fashioned” way. I like it, and what a good way to learn triangles with all the scraps…………

  7. I love it and will give it a try. I learned to pin tricky points in paper piecing and then baste stitch first in a class once. Worked great on those challenging spots and if you need to rip it out, then the long basting stitch is much easier to handle!

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