A funny thing happened Saturday…

..and when I say funny, I am being very sarcastic…  yesterday I discovered that a Instagram account had used one of my photos from this site on their page without crediting me.

Now I am sure this happens a bit but what made me really miffed is the fact that they watermarked the image with their name… and I found out about it from copy of the image that had been shared by someone (again with no credit back to the original image source).

instagram photo

So after seeking advice from my Instagram family I have reached out to the party involved  to get them to either credit me or remove the photo.

You will now find a copyright banner on my sidebar…and I recommend if you have not already done it, you should add one.   After some research I found that the copyright notice will help if you have to pursue an issue through the Courts…also it is easy to do, costs nothing and can be a deterrent to plagiarism or image theft.

I usually also watermark my photos but have not been watermarking the PMQG Charity quilts because they are not all my work and it felt wrong.  The photo however is all mine… that is my back fence for sure…so in future I will watermark the photo to protect them but will credit the amazing people involved in making these wonderful quilts.

Please learn from this lesson and (1) watermark you work; (2) put up a copyright notice and (3) be diligent – if you see work being claimed by someone who you know did not make it say something.

This is the end of the community service announcement.  Regular programming will return next week with a showcase of some of the PMQG Charity quilts from the last couple of months.

24 thoughts on “A funny thing happened Saturday…

  1. Thank you for the information you have shared regarding copyright protection. You mentioned watermarking photos or documents placed online. Please teach how to watermark our posts. Thank you.

    • I think Cath uses Photoshop, but if you don’t have this on your computer, I have a simple set of instructions for using a free online editing program to do it. If you’d like that, email me at the address shown on my Contact Me page.

  2. What a shame that you have to go through all of this for something that is yours in the first place. Thanks for the tip – I think I might add the copyright notice to my blog too, just for safe keeping. All of that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a great quilt.

  3. It’s a great photo, and I’m not surprised someone wanted to use it, but asking permission would have been respectful – and as for watermarking it as their own, outrageously rude! Without doubt, image theft, and the fact that they’ve used a watermark means they are well aware of copyright issues. Good luck getting them to take it down. Yet another reason for me not to use IG… as if I needed any more.

      • You know me, never miss a chance to use words… When I look at IG, I want explanations, not just pictures. But you’re right about missing out on the butterflies :-(.
        Perhaps I should sign up just to look, not to show (and not tell).

      • You don’t actually need an instagram account to view pictures there. If you follow the link to Cath’s instagram page you could bookmark it and check it occasionally. That’s what i did for a favourite blogger before I joined.

  4. So sad that you had to experience this! Luckily you are strong and using your voice and not just taking it. Hope this gets rectified quickly!

  5. I saw this over on IG in the wee hours. I’d say I’m surprised by people, but I am not. Hope this individual looks in their heart and sees how they’d like to be and makes this right. Thanks for the PSA about watermarking, too.

  6. I did comment on your Instagram about watermarks, but wanted to mention that if you don’t imbed the watermark it can be removed by others.

    • Oh my, we quilters need lessons in modern technology. I used to “write” on my photo’s with my name when I did a photo with my phone. Now, with an “upgrade to services” on the phone, it is a royal pain in the neck. I’d love a lesson about “embedding the watermark”.

  7. Glad things were resolved. Too bad we have to be so careful…..its one thing to borrow an image, quit another to falsey claim ownership!

  8. Thank you so much for being proactive both by asking the responsible parties to make you whole and for posting the steps you are taking to protect your work. You are incredibly talented and deserve recognition.

  9. Intellectual theft? I often google images, and then use them to my own hearts desire; but never republish them as tho they are mine! I guess we all need lessons in proper behavior first and foremost. Pinterest is another place where things get “shared” without credit. Gosh on my blog I am constantly giving credit for pattern designs; binding techniques, etc.

  10. Well, funny thing happened to us on Saturday, earthquake 7.4 on the reigter scale! , wondered why my bed was shaking, thought it was the granddaughter getting me out of bed to go to the bathroom, hahahaha! But thankfully both grandkids stayed asleep and so did the husband! Next morning he found the split in the wall and wondered how it got there, I got the blame until he turned the TV on, hahaha!

  11. Copyright and proper credit is something I struggle with a lot. I am a Costume Designer for a local H.S. that does not allow pictures or taping of performances by anyone. Why? Violates the copyright of the play write, the director, the designers, the crew and the cast. Selling dvd’s of a performance or putting it on Youtube or the local TV channel is AGAINST THE LAW. Taking your photo and using it without your permission is also against the law. Good for you for standing up to protect YOUR work. Thank you bringing this issue to us.

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