Playing with Urban Chickens

To celebrate this years Pacific North West MQG Meet up our fearless leader,  Michelle Freedman designed a fun modern block to celebrate… the Urban Chicken.  During the Meet Up we did a charity sew day where chickens ran wild.

Charity Sew Day Urban Chickens

This week I decided to dust off the pattern card and make my own Urban Chicken quilt… below is my plagiarized, annotated and updated version of Michelle’s original pattern.

For each block you need:

1.  Four (4) different shades of the same colour – I decided to stick to green, blue & yellow

2.  White or off white fabric – I pulled all my scrap bag of solid whites out.

Then it is off to work making a block….

1.   Cut one  3 ½ inches  x 14 ½  inches strip of each of your four coloured fabric.  I added an extra 1/2 inch to the strips from the original pattern to allow for some wiggle room (ie. mistakes).

layout strips

2.  From these strips cut one 3 ½ inches x 3 ½ inches  and set aside these squares.

cut square off strip

3.  Sew the four 10 ½ inch strips together using 1/4 inch seam allowance.  Press the seams to one side in the same direction.

sewing strips together

.4. Sew the long ends together to form a tube… these next steps are the same as you would do for a Trip Around quilt.

5.  Subcut the tube into three 3 ½ inch wide units… this is where the excess 1/2 inch of fabric on the strips comes in handy for me.

cut tube

5.  Carefully use the seam ripper to open each unit at a different place.  Arrange the three rows as you like, nesting the seam allows and sew together.  Press the seams open or to alternating sides.

strip blocks ready to go

Then to make the chickens….

1.  Using your white scraps or some generously cut white strips (no smaller than 2 ½ wide) and the four coloured squares you had set aside make some wonky triangles.

set aside squares

2.  Place the white fabric strip over the 3 ½ x 3 ½ inch square right sides together – angling the white fabric from just past center of the square to one corner of the square.  Repeat on the other side.  Do this for all four coloured squares.

chicken pieces for trimming

3.  Press seams on your chicken unit and square it up to the original 3 ½” x 3 ½” size.  When trimming make sure that the top of the triangle has a ¼ inch seam of white.  This will allow you triangles to come to a clean point (learnt this one the hard way).

trim chickens

4.  Arrange your chickens as you like and sew them together to form the fourth strip of the block.

urban chicken block

You can stitch your chickens to either side of your solid blocks.

Urban chicken block 4

5.  Make sure you square off your completed block ensuring it measures  12½”” by 12½”.

To add some variation to your Urban Chickiens, Michelle suggests doing some blocks up without the chickens… that is blocks of just 4 x 4 coloured squares.

I am now off to add some more chickens to my coup.  I am really having fun with this quilt and can not wait to have a finished quilt top to show.

33 thoughts on “Playing with Urban Chickens

  1. So lovely! Thanks for the tutorial. This I have to try, because I love scrapy and wonky quilts with bright colours. Looking forward to seeing your quilt finished.

  2. I love this block – what a great way to use up scraps in my bins! Thanks for sharing. I love your colors – they are so bright & cheerful.

  3. Just love the chickens!! What a great idea…and a good scrap stash buster too! I like the free form you use with your triangles. Excellent tutorial; especially the tip about the tips of the triangles!!

  4. Pingback: Urban Chicken Fun | Wombat Quilts

  5. Pingback: No turkey here…just some Urban Chickens | Wombat Quilts

  6. Thank you so very much for the tutorial! I love this darling take on that block. I like that you have limited your color pallette. That is a form of discipline I’ve yet to master. This will be fun to practice! And my favorite of any quilt pattern ever is the small, humble, 3″ block.

  7. Pingback: Some more urban chickens… | WOMBAT QUILTS

  8. Pingback: March 2018 Block Lotto | Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild

  9. Thank you for explaining the white part. I didn’t understand exactly what the original pattern meant, but now I get it. =)

  10. I thought I might be doing something wrong, but some of your chickens lost their butts, too, so I think I’m okay. Thanks!

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